Cat Kookaburra kangaroo Monkey Owl Panda3 panther Polar Bear Rabbit Tiger Giraffe Meerkat Dolphin
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At Pilgrims’ Way, our intent is to deliver a high quality geography curriculum which inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We deliver this through Collins Primary Connected Geography because we wanted to use an enquiry-based approach to engage our children and deepen their understanding of geography. Through our curriculum, we will equip our children to develop an awareness of the wider world and their place within it. We hope that our children will become passionate about the planet and become involved in protecting the environment.

Our geography curriculum meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, incorporating the four main areas of learning: locational and place knowledge, human and physical processes and geographical skills. It has been carefully designed so that the sequence of learning helps to deepen the children’s knowledge and skills over time. Creation, Community and Compassion are the three key threads we use through which our key geographical concepts are taught and understood.

Our knowledge-rich geography curriculum is delivered through highly effective quality first teaching and provides significant opportunities for enrichment, including outdoor learning in our Forest School, inspirational visitors and geography fieldwork.  Our aim is to bring geography alive!

Fieldwork and opportunities to look forward to at Pilgrims' Way:

Term 2

In Term 2, Year 1 complete fieldwork based on the weather as part of their learning on 'How does the weather affect our lives?'.  They collect data on the wind direction and the amount of rainfall.  They even create their own weather reports using a map of the UK!

Year 2 learn about the climate, animals and environment of Antarctica as part of their learning on 'Why don't penguins need to fly?'.  We look forward to meeting Darcy, who is a real life Antarctic explorer!

Year 6 complete fieldwork at the River Stour to support their learning on 'What is a river?'.  They measure the depth of the river and look at which creatures are living in the water to identify whether the river is a healthy habitat or not.

Term 4

In Term 4, Year 6 answer the enquiry question 'Why are mountains so important?'.  They have a visit from a mountaineer who shares his knowledge of mountains and shows them his mountain climbing equipment.

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Year 2 compare houses in Canterbury with those in the water village, Kampong Ayer as part of their learning on 'How does the geography of Kampong Ayer compare with where I live?'.  They complete a survey of different housing types found in our local area and compare this with the types of houses found in Kampong Ayer.


Term 6

In Term 6, Year 2 complete fieldwork in Whitstable as part of their geography learning on 'Why do we like being beside the sea so much?'.  The children identify and name seaside features such as harbour, beach, sea and promenade.  They complete a survey to identify the impact of humans on the seaside by creating a tally of items that should not be found on the beach. 


Year 5 go on a trip to a local farm to find out more about where our food comes from, linking with their learning about 'How do you make trade fair?'