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Year R - Butterfly Class

 Welcome to Butterfly Class

Class Teacher: Miss Finnis

Teaching Assistants: Miss Oliver and Miss Opara


Term 2

This term we will have our 'Let's Celebrate!' topic where we will be learning about different Autumn and Winter festivals that are celebrated by the many amazing families that are part of the Pilgrims' Way community, such as Diwali, Hanukkah, Remembrance, birthdays and Christmas. We will be finding similarities and differences between these celebrations, focussing on special decorations, clothes, food and stories that link to each celebration. We are asking the children to share any special traditions they may have and their memories from these special celebrations. 

In phonics we will be revisiting the phonemes (sounds) we have learned so far while we begin to read and write words using these phonemes. The children will continue bringing home Rhino Reader phonics books containing the sounds they can confidently recognise and blend. If you have any questions about Rhino Readers or how to support your child at home with their reading, then please just ask as we are here to help. 

This term we will also be practising and preparing for our Christmas nativity, so please be prepared for the children to be singing nativity songs at home for the rest of the term. I know how much they love singing together as a class and I can't wait for them to make you even more proud of them than usual!

There is always a big change in the weather during this term. Please make sure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear (preferably a waterproof coat with a hood) and make sure every item is labelled, including hats, gloves and scarves. Learning outside is such an important part of our curriculum and we want your children to be warm and happy. 

Thank you for your support and don't forget that you can contact us on ClassDojo or catch us on the door in the mornings and at the end of the school day.  

Forest School - Tuesday

Your child will need to bring in their Forest School kit for these sessions. Please provide them with old clothes and some wellington boots. If the weather is cold or wet, please make sure your child has an appropriate coat.

P.E. - Thursday

Please make sure that your child has their P.E. kit in school on this day. This should be in a named bag and should include shorts, a t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers.

How you can help at home

- Read with your child at least three times a week. Every week on Friday, your child's books will be changed. Children are also encouraged to read every day at home and receive Dojo points when they do this. Please sign the reading record so that we can keep track of what books have been read. 

- Practise the phonic sounds we have been learning in class.

- Talk to them about school routines, such as putting their things in their lockers, lunch times, eating, register and tidying up.

- Use the curriculum newsletter to discuss their current learning and encourage them to incorporate what they have been learning into their everyday routines. 

- Explore their interests through play.

Thank you for your support. If you ever have any concerns or questions then please don't hesitate to contact me. I am at the classroom door before and after school or alternatively, you can email me on ClassDojo.

The Term 2 knowledge organisers below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term. 

 Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email