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Useful Links


Quick link to website for Covid test. Once on the site scroll down to the green start now button to book your test.

School Health

We are a team of school nurses and practitioners who work with children, young people and families in Kent. You do not have to be in school to use this service.

Kent Police

Contact the Police for support and non-urgent issues.

Canterbury Citizens advice bureau

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people's lives. People come to us with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefit, housing or employment problems. You may be facing  a crisis, or just considering your options.

We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination wherever we see it.

Canterbury City Council Neighbourhood Centre

Find list of local community centres with activities for family

Canterbury Housing

Find a home. Benefits and Support.

Internet safety advice

Kent County Council

Parent Link
Practical tips on helping with children's school work.

The latest and widest range of public service information from the UK government.

SureStart Childcare
Where to find childcare in your area.

BBC Adult Learning
Lots of information about getting into learning.

BBC Parenting Site
Advice for parents of primary-aged children.

The Parent Centre
For all parents and carers who want to help their child or children to learn.

Health Help Now
Aims to help people find the right treatment for health problems, especially when they are not sure what to do or who to contact. It has details of services and opening times, along with advice. It works on smartphones, computers and tablets. Please take a look for yourself.

Canterbury Food Bank
Food bank is a community project providing emergency (three-day) food parcels to individuals and families in short term financial crisis across the Canterbury District (Canterbury, Whitstable, Herne Bay and surrounding villages).

Canterbury Domestic Violence Support
Canterbury One-Stop Shop bring together many organisations including the Canterbury Community Safety Unit,  Home Start, Casa Support, the Epic Trust, Family Action, Canterbury City Council, Kent Police, housing associations, health visitors and many others. Some of the organisations visit weekly, some monthly and others are at the end of the phone if needed. All these organisations work together to help vulnerable people. They are available to listen or offer help and advice if needed. For more information on the One Stop Shops phone 01227 452 852.

Community Counselling Service
CCS (Community Counselling Service) is based in Canterbury and offers accessible and affordable counselling services for everyone in the area.

NHS Direct
Please note the increased number of cases in Kent of Scarlet Fever. If concerned, please seek medical advice.

Secondary Schools

The Abbey School, Faversham
The Archbishops School, Canterbury
Barton Court Grammar School, Canterbury                                                                                          Barton Manor School, Canterbury                                                                                                        Borden Grammar School
Canterbury Academy
Fulston Manor School, Sittingbourne
Herne Bay High School, Herne Bay
Highstead Grammar School, Sittingbourne
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Faversham
Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury
Simon Langton Grammar School for Girls, Canterbury
Sittingbourne Community College, Sittingbourne                                                                                Spires Academy
St Anselms Catholic School, Canterbury 
The Whitstable School, Whitstable