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Year 1 - Bumblebee Class

Welcome to Bumblebee Class. Our teacher is Miss Tombs.

                                                          Welcome back to Term 6

Our geographical enquiry question in Term 6 is 'Why does it matter where my food comes from?'  During this enquiry we will be learning about where all our food comes from. We will investigate how people are dependent on the environments that surround them. We will also consider why locally sourced and free range food is better for the environment.

During Term 6 the children will have the opportunity to learn at Forest School.

Bumblebee Forest School dates for Term 6: Friday 28th June, Friday 5th July and Friday12th July.

Please provide a Forest School kit for your child, including Wellington boots and a waterproof coat.

PE days will be Wednesdays (outdoors) and Fridays (indoors). All children should have a PE kit to change into. It should include a named 'house' T-shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms and a pair of plimsolls/trainers. No earrings should be worn on PE days.

Year 1 children are developing their reading skills, and it is very important that they read regularly. Each week they will bring home a phonics reading book that will help them to practise the phonemes (sounds) they have been learning in their phonics lessons. They will earn dojo points for every day they read at home during the week. Please aim to read with your child for 10 minutes every day. Book bags with reading books should be in school every day.

Home learning will be given on Fridays and should be handed in by the following Thursday. There will also be Spelling Shed assignments that the children can complete during the week.

If you have any questions, please come and talk to me at the end of the day.

Miss Tombs


The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term. 

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email