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Veritas Multi Academy Trust

Pilgrims' Way Primary School is a proud member of Veritas Multi Academy Trust.  

Veritas Multi Academy Trust's constitutional documents and financial statements are available here.

The trust's ethos is encapsulated by three core values:


Through strong collaboration across the Trust, our academies and staff uphold an innovative approach to staff development through a deep commitment to being research active. Through a positive and dynamic approach to research based pedagogy, staff across the Trust continuously reflect on their practice to create an environment where innovation leads to irresistible learning for all.


With a firm belief that as a Trust we are stronger together; we create an inclusive environment across our academies where staff and pupils feel emotionally and physically safe. Our academies are outward facing and create an environment where differences in gender, culture, disability and educational needs are embraced and celebrated; leading to irresistible learning for all.


Through inspirational leadership, teaching and learning; our academies create a climate where children, staff and parents strive to achieve and aspire for greatness. With strong collaborations we share practice and challenge one another using the principles of mentor-coaching to celebrate success and support improvement. High standards across a rich and diverse curriculum delivered in each academy leads to irresistible learning for all that is individual to each academy but reflects the shared ethos of the Trust.