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Our Curriculum

Our inclusive curriculum is designed to build resilient learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills to be responsible, effective and confident members of the community, locally and internationally.   

It aims to build a thirst for lifelong learning through exposing children to broad and balanced opportunities. Through pedagogical practices of retrieval and dialogic teaching, the curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, establishing clearly defined end points ensuring pupils are ready for the next stage of their education.  

Whilst the content to be taught is set out in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for each subject, our Subject Leaders drive the curriculum to reflect the school’s local context.  

There is high academic ambition for all pupils and our irresistible curriculum is responsive to our diverse and evolving community. Our curriculum gives opportunities to exemplify our school values, aspiring to transform life chances and support positive outcomes for all pupils whose voices are heard and who develop skills to tackle barriers that may limit them in fulfilling their future ambitions.


Each term we share a curriculum newsletter with our school community - staff, parents/carers and governors. It allows us all to build a shared understanding of what the children are learning and why. This information can enable better school/home support and deepen the children's experiences and understanding.

Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 3 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 4 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 5 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 6 Curriculum Newsletter