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Year 3 - Seadragon Class

Welcome to Seadragon Class, your teacher is Miss Hilton and your Teaching Assistants are Mr Dole and Miss Berry.


Term 6

Time has flown, and we are heading in to the final term of Year 3.

We are reading 'The Great Kapok Tree,' by Lynne Cherry- a fascinating tale about protecting the Amazon Rain forest.

We continue to encourage you to read as much as possible at home and share your favourite books with us.

The enquiry question 'Why are jungles so wet and deserts so dry?' will require us to refer to an atlas and investigate different climates.

In Science, we will continue to learn about plants. We hope your sunflowers are looking healthy!

PE continues to be on Mondays and Thursdays - please consider the warmer weather and provide your child with appropriate PE kit. They really must wear running shoes in preparation for Sports Day!

Spelling shed and TTRS are still available on electronic devices-please encourage practise.

Forest School is only for the first three weeks back at school.

If you have any questions, please contact me via Class Dojo.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hilton


Term 5

We have an exciting term ahead!

Our reading sessions will continue with Mr Gum. We have been reading this for some time, and I am sure you will agree-it is hilarious! This book has given us the opportunity to predict, infer and complete some fantastic illustrations.

I do hope you will continue to read at home and share the books you have read with us. Reading for pleasure is exactly that!

This term History is based on Ancient Egypt. We will find out who they were, when they lived and learn about their way of life. This will include 'mummifying' a tomato! We will also be producing some colourful artwork alongside history.

Our science investigation is all about plants. We will plant our own sunflowers and learn about the different parts of a flower.

Please continue with your dedication to learning your times tables- the difference so far is remarkable. Let's see who can be the first to complete the challenges in class and on Times table rock star.

Spelling shed is also important in supporting you with the new spelling rules we will be learning. Perhaps you could be the new class leader!

PE will continue to be on Monday and Thursday. Please bring your PE kit to school- it can be left in your locker for the following lesson that week.

FOREST SCHOOL will commence on our first week back and continue for the following 3 weeks. Please bring appropriate clothing AND footwear.

Please contact me via CLASS DOJO with any questions.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hilton

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4. We are flying through the year! This term will be filled with exciting learning experiences and challenges.

We will be researching New Zealand in Geography as our enquiry question is 

' Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others?'

We will continue to link to our Roman theme from last term as we are working collaboratively with Jellyfish on  'Boudicca the musical!' 

Reading sessions will be based on the book, 'You're a bad man, Mr Gum!' by Ted Stanton. The children are sure to engage in the drawing and imaginative activities we have planned for them.

Science enquiries are linked to 'Forces and Magnets.' 


Mondays- Badminton indoors

Thursdays- Tennis outdoors


Our sessions have changed and will now be on a FRIDAY afternoon in 3 week blocks.

Please check DOJO for Seadragon Class reminders.

Spelling Shed and TTRS have been more successful this term, so please encourage your child to continue with their practice.

Please continue to contact me via Class DOJO when necessary.

Thank you.

Miss Hilton


Happy New Year!

Term 3

This term we will dive in to history linked to The Romans and ask 'Why did the Romans settle in Britain?' We will learn about Boudica, artefacts and why the Roman army was so successful.

Our reading sessions will be based on the book 'The Iron Man,' by Ted Hughes. The children will be working together to make their very own class Iron Man, standing over 5ft tall!

Science investigations will lead us to learning about 'light' and its reflective properties.

Seadragons have clearly been reading more at home and reading for pleasure remains a big focus. Please encourage your child to pick up a book and read, as well as access Spelling Shed for weekly spelling challenges.

Times Table Rockstars is also available for them to practise, practise and practise as they begin to achieve their 17 club (and beyond) rewards.

PE remains on Monday and Thursday, whilst Forest School is on alternate Thursdays.

Contact can be made with me via Class Dojo.

Thanks for your continued support.

Miss Hilton


Welcome back to Term 2

Our Geography enquiry based question is 'How and why has our local area changed?'

We will be comparing old photographs and plans of our school and comparing them to the present building. We will be naming and locating local landmarks.

During the reading sessions we will focus on 'Voices in the Park' by Anthony Browne.

Our Science topic is 'Rocks' and the children will be classifying different types of rock.

PE will remain on Monday and Thursday.

MONDAY- Gymnastics


Forest School will continue every other Thursday.

I will notify you of any changes via Class DOJO.

Please encourage your child to read daily at home and enjoy reading books of their choice together too.

Times table challenges are taking place in class three times a week and practise is essential.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hilton


Term 1

Our History enquiry this term is based on the question 'Would you rather live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Ice Age?' We will investigate, as historians, using secondary resources and we will make deductions about how prehistoric people lived.

Our reading sessions will focus on two books this term, 'How to wash a woolly mammoth' by Michelle Robinson and 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kilamura. 

In Science, we will be learning about how to keep our bodies fit and healthy, as well as what animals need to survive, our focus being 'Animals including Humans.'

This term we will be having two PE sessions a week. Please ensure your child has the appropriate PE kit including suitable trainers. PE kits to be brought to school for children to change in to.

Monday-indoors, Multi-Skills.

Thursday-outdoors, football.

Forest School-alternate Thursday mornings.

Again, please ensure your child brings the appropriate clothing in a named carrier bag. Kit should consist of clothes that can get muddy! We recommend Wellington boots, a warm/ waterproof coat, long sleeved top and long trousers/ tracksuit bottoms.

Home learning is sent home every week on Fridays and should be returned by the following Thursday. You will find six activities in the homework book. Your child can select one of these to complete each week.

Spelling lists will be sent home every Monday in the format of handwriting practice. Please practise these every day with your child, ready for spelling test on the Friday. The spellings will be available to practise on Spelling Shed every week too. This is a fantastic programme with lots of fun games to play! Log on details can be found in your child's reading record.

Children are also encouraged to read at home every day. This is a crucial part of your child's reading journey. We encourage reading for pleasure too. Feel free to mention other books you have shared in the reading record. Reading books and reading records must be bought to school daily, as we also love to hear your child read in class. We make daily library trips, so your child can change their book after they have completed the corresponding quiz.

Your child will be participating in Times Table Challenges within class too, therefore any opportunity to practise at home is ideal! They can access the Times Table Rock stars programme at home, log in details are given in their reading records. 

We look forward to a fun-packed learning experience in Seadragon Class this year!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can get in contact via ClassDojo. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hilton


The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term.

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries.

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email