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Year 4 - Robin Class

Welcome to Robin Class

I am Miss Hager and we are Year 4. 

Welcome back to Term 6

How are we in the last term of the year already?

We have a lot of exciting things still to fit in before Year 5. We will be trying to solve and answer the question, 'How can we live more sustainably?' through our Geography lessons.

We will continue to read (and finish) 'The Last Bear' - will April manage to save Bear in time?

PE will continue to be Friday afternoons. We will be learning how to play Rounders and getting ready for Sports Day with some Athletics too. 

Forest School will be the first three Thursday afternoons - please check Class Dojo for reminders. 



Welcome back to Term 5

I cannot believe we are in the Summer Term already! I hope everyone had a great break.

This term we will be working towards an answer to the question, 'Were Vikings Raiders, Traders or Settlers?' in our History lessons.

In reading, we will begin a new book, 'The Last Bear'. It is a beautifully written book about the small island, Bear Island, home to the last Polar Bear. Will they be able to save the bears, or will they become extinct forever?

PE will still be on a Friday. We will be learning cricket from a cricket coach leading up to a match against Eagle Class in week 6, will we win? 


Please keep an eye on the Class Dojo for an update on Forest School days and weekly classroom updates.

Welcome back to Term 4

I hope everyone had a great break, I cannot believe how quickly the year is going.

This term we will be learning all about Florida (The Sunshine State) in Geography and answering the question, 'What is the Sunshine State really like?'. We will be learning about the weather there, hurricane season, NASA and of course, The Magic Kingdom. 

In Reading, we will be reading 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. It has a bit of a mysterious start to the story, will Michael survive?

We will have Forest School every Thursday afternoon for the next 3 weeks due to the timetable change, please remember to wear your kit.

PE will remain on a Friday afternoon, we will be learning how to play Badminton.

I will be posting on the Class Dojo page, so please make sure you check there for more up-to-date information. 


Welcome Back to Term 3

I hope everyone had a lovely break and a Happy New Year.

This term will be learning about the Saxons and answering the question, 'How hard was it to settle in Britain?'

Our new text this term will be 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter'. Will Lila achieve her goal of becoming a firework maker, or will her father get his way of finding her a husband instead? 

PE lessons will be Dance this term and still every Friday afternoon, so please have PE kits in school.

Every other Thursday there will be Forest School. Please check the Class Dojo for updates on this.

Welcome Back to Term 2

This term we will be learning all about Megacities. Will be answering the question, 'Why do so many people choose to live in Megacities?'. 

We will finish 'Charlotte's Web' this term. Will Charlotte save Wilbur? 

Our PE will be every Friday outside on the field. We will be doing hockey skills. 

Every other Thursday afternoon will be Forest School. Please check Class Dojo for more up-to-date messages regarding this. 

I will update the Class Dojo page regularly with class information, success and pieces of work, so please check that for more....

Term 1 

I am very excited to begin our year as Robin Class.

We will begin with a History question of: How have children's lives changed?. We will be using primary and secondary resources to look at the lives of children through history. 

Our Science topic will be about humans and animals, how to group animals and why this is important for Scientists to be able to do. 

For reading, we will be reading, 'Charlotte's Web' as a class. This is a beautiful book. Will Fern and Charlotte be able to save Wilbur? A classic story about friendship and how small acts of kindness can change your life.


Forest school will be every other Thursday afternoon - please check The Class Dojo for more information.

PE will be Friday afternoon, so please have your PE kit in school ready. Dojo Points will be given for the correct PE kit. 

I will update the Class Dojo page regularly with class information, success and pieces of work so please check that for more....


The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term.

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email