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Year 3 - Jellyfish Class

Welcome to Jellyfish Class! 

Your class teacher is Mrs Newman and your teaching assistants are Mrs Ali and Indigo.

I cannot believe we are already in our last term of Year 3! We have a lot of exciting new learning to do this term!

This term we will be doing a Geography enquiry,  our big question will be 'Why are jungles so wet and deserts so dry?'. We will be answering this question throughout the term, building on our learning from Year 2, by looking at different weather and different climate zones around the world.  

In our Reading lessons we will be reading 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry. 

In Science, we are continuing our topic 'Plants'. We were able to plant sunflowers last term and we learnt how we needed to look after our sunflowers to keep them alive, this term we will be focusing more on the parts of a flowering plant.

P.E. this term will be Rounders and Athletics.  We will do P.E. on a Monday and Thursday. Both lessons will be held outdoors so please make sure you have appropriate kit for the summer term. Where possible we will stick to the shade but please ensure your children have suncream for these days.

Forest school this term will be on Friday afternoons. I will post dojo reminders for when it is our week to go.

Forest School kit: named carrier bag for muddy clothes and shoes, long sleeved top, comfortable trousers, boots/old trainers and a coat for wet or cold weather.

 If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me via ClassDojo.


The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term.

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email