Cat Kookaburra kangaroo Monkey Owl Panda3 panther Polar Bear Rabbit Tiger Giraffe Meerkat Dolphin
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Year 6 - Gecko Class

Welcome to Gecko Class!

 Our teacher is Mrs. Webb; our T.A is Mrs. Dwyer.

Term 6

We have an exciting term ahead and are looking forward to Enrichment Week in Week 2, as well as many other trips and treats. The children will also be busy preparing the Year 6 Production of 'Sherlock & Cinders' ready for the performance on Thursday, 18th July. Please mark the date in your diary!

This term our geography enquiry will focus on the question, 'Who are Britain's national parks for?' which enables children to learn about national parks in both Britain and beyond and to investigate what they are used for, what they are like as natural habitats and who lives there. They will also compare and contrast Britain's national parks with the Everglades in Florida, which builds on their learning about Florida from Year 4.

For our class reading lessons this term we will read 'Illegal' by Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin, a powerful story about a boy who traverses the continent of Africa and the Mediterranean Ocean to find his sibling and become a refugee. 

PLEASE NOTE, P.E this term will be on a Thursday, during which the children will play rounders. Please send your child to school in their P.E kit with their uniform in a clearly marked bag.

Forest School will be on the following dates:

Tuesday, 4th June and Tuesday,18th June. Please ensure suitable clothing is brought in for these sessions.

Please ask me at 3:15pm on any day, if you have any questions or queries and keep an eye on the Class Dojo for class announcements.                                                     

The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term.

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email