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Spiritus Ad Surgere - Let Our Spirits Soar High

Year 6 - Iguana Class


Welcome to Iguana Class


Our teacher is Mrs Pursey; our T.A is Mr Dickens.

Term 6

Wow, our final term!

This term looks to be a long and busy, but exciting term! In week one, some of the class will be off to The Veritas Trust sports event, where they will be joining children from the other schools in the academy. In week two, we have our Enrichment Week, where everyone will join in with fun activities and some will be heading off camping. In week three, we have an enrichment morning planned over at Barton Manor, where the children will be taking part in a variety of activities led by the school. Plus, we will be practising for our production of 'Sherlock and Cinders', which will be performed on Thursday 18th July. As well as transition activities to secondary schools. I am sure there will be even more exciting things to look forward to.

This term, our geography enquiry is 'Who are Britain's National Parks for?' 

The children will understand the location, distribution and purposes of National Parks in Great Britain and how they are managed in a way to ensure their sustainability. This enquiry begins at a national scale as pupils establish where National Parks in the United Kingdom are located, the factors behind their distribution and their associated three purposes. As the investigation progresses, the scale of study moves to a regional perspective, before the investigation widens to provide a global perspective and comparison to the United States.

We will read a new book this term, 'Illegal' by Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin, a graphic novel about one boy's epic journey of hope and survival.

P.E: Please note our P.E day has changed this term.

We will be learning rounders on a Thursday morning, outdoors. Please send your child into school wearing their P.E kit, with no earrings in. They need to bring their school uniform to change into at school. Please ensure they have the correct kit, including trainers. 

Forest School: Just like last term, Iguana Class will not have Forest School for the first three weeks of the term. Our sessions will begin on Tuesday 25th June, then continue on 2nd and 9th July. Children need to wear their school uniform to school and bring in a change of clothes and footwear suitable for getting dirty; wellies and waterproofs for wet days; and warmer clothing for the colder weather. Thank you for your support with this.

Term 5

Welcome back!

This term was quite busy - cricket lessons with a coach from Kent Cricket Club; SATs in week 5; tennis lessons the first three weeks, followed by Forest School the final three weeks. There were discussions about Enrichment Week and our end of year production too!

Our history enquiry was 'Who should feature on the £10 banknote?'

This unit prepared the children for the challenges of Key stage 3 History. It gave them the historical skills of inference, extracting information from sources, evaluating historical figures and the opportunity, like historians, to decide their criteria for significance. The activities were well-suited to children entering Key Stage 3. The unit also allowed the children to consider the contributions to Britain of a diverse group of people, whose experiences are less well-known.

We finished reading Frank. L. Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" and we achieved some brilliant writing in English, centred around the novel.

Term 4

Wow! We're halfway through the year! Where is the time going?

This term we answered the Geography enquiry:

Why are mountains so important? 

 This enquiry introduced pupils to the physical and human importance of a biome that covers one-fifth of the world’s land surface. The study of mountains enabled pupils to comprehend key concepts of physical geography, such as plate tectonics and the formation of different rock types, as well as erosion and geological deep time. This developed on from prior learning of tectonic plates and rock formation in their learning of earthquakes and volcanoes. 

We finished reading "The Girl Who Speaks Bear", before moving onto non-fiction for a couple of weeks, all about Mount Everest. We also started "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by Frank. L. Baum.

Term 3

I hope 2024 proves to be a successful year for all.

This term we returned to history and sought to answer the enquiry question:

What does the census tell us about our local area?

During this enquiry, we learnt about what the census is, why it is completed and how the information can be used. We looked initially at some other areas within England to fully enhance our understanding and inference, before homing in on our local area and learnt about the Barton Court mansion inhabitants from 1851.

We continued to read "The Girl who Speaks Bear" by Sophie Anderson. The children appeared to  enjoy this text and were keen to have a chance to read the characters aloud, captivated by the plot.

Term 2

This term was a Geography focus, answering the enquiry question: 

What is a river?

During this enquiry we looked at the main physical and human features and functions of rivers and the impact that river flooding can have on local environments and communities. We had the opportunity to undertake field work on the River Stour locally, where the children were able to use nets to see what used the river as a habitat and any other items were in there: it proved to be a very clean river. They also sketched the river and surroundings and discussed the current.

We started reading "The Girl who Speaks Bear" by Sophie Anderson.


Term 1

We started the year with a history focus and looked at the enquiry:

What was the impact of World War 2 on the people of Britain?

The children have studied British history in chronological order. This built on their prior knowledge of events affecting people’s lives. They utilised the skills taught throughout their history learning and developed their understanding of the historical concepts. We will be introducing many Substantive Concepts which underpin the history enquiries over their Primary education.

Our reading text was "Letters from the Lighthouse" by Emma Carroll. This book is a work of fiction, set during World War 2. 


Reminders will be sent about Forest School and P.E on Class Dojo, as well as information shared about the learning. Any queries or questions please message me using Class Dojo.

The Term 6 knowledge organiser below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term.

Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email