At Pilgrims’ Way Primary School we want all children to feel that they belong, which is why a uniform is so important. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform and that all items of clothing brought to school are clearly named.
Items with the school logo can be purchased from Barnums School Wear by phone (01227 365220), online or by visiting the shop at 14-16 William Street, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 5EJ
Barnums offer free delivery to school, shop collection or home delivery (charged).
Other generic items can be purchased from high street shops and supermarkets.
Every child is allocated to a House Team which determines which colour PE Top they will wear. If you are unsure which team your child is in, please speak to the school office.
There are sample sizes available to try in the school office.
Every child is allocated to a House Team which determines which colour PE Top they will wear. If you are unsure which team your child is in, please speak to the school office.
We run a uniform swap shop in school, we welcome donations of clean uniform. You are welcome to come in to the office and use the swap shop whenever needed (if you have nothing to swap please don't worry just take uniform if needed).
School Uniform
White polo shirt (school logo optional*)
Black skirt/trousers/tailored shorts/joggers/leggings
Black/grey/white socks
Plain black/grey tights
Black shoes or plain black trainers
Red and white gingham print dress (summer only)
Skirts, dresses and shorts must be of appropriate length
PE Kit
- School t-shirt with logo (optional) in house colour
- Plain black shorts
- Plain black plimsolls
- Trainers
- Football boots (optional)
- Plain tracksuit
- PE bag
Forest School
Forest School Clothing
Please make sure that your child has:
- A waterproof coat
- Waterproof trousers
- Wellington Boots
- Warm thick trousers (not leggings)
- A warm jumper
- A long-sleeved top
- A hat and gloves
Children who already own waterproofs (such as all-in-ones or trousers) are encouraged to bring them in.
All of these clothes will get dirty. Please do not bring in clothes which are expensive and cannot get dirty.
Earrings, Jewellery and Nail Varnish
Children may wear one pair of small ear-studs.
On PE days please do not send children to school with ear-studs in, as staff are not permitted to take them out and your child will not be able to participate with them in.
Hair should be neat and tidy and kept out of eyes. Long hair should be tied back for PE/Games.
Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish, make up or any other jewellery.